Mycology May 2017

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26 April, 2017 - 17 May, 2017
26 & 29 April | 3, 10 & 17 May


Type of audience: Adultos



Educación y Programas Públicos

Mycology May 2017

26 April, 2017 - 17 May, 2017

In collaboration with Arsenio Terrón, this spring we will continue learning the diversity of mushrooms and fungi in our region. Several theoretical-practical sessions and an day trip, this time, to a further site, make up the program.

The course is aimed at people with no prior knowledge and at beginners. Registration is free.

April 26
From 6pm to 8pm.

Introduction to the study of fungi.
We will analyze the main morphoanatomic characteristics of fungi as a tool to be able to continue working with these organisms.

April 29
9.30 am to 7 pm.
Day trip: Cerezales-Boñar-Adrados-Riaño-Cerezales.

May 3, 10 and 17
From 6 pm to 8 pm.

Practical study of live wild mushroom specimens and photographic analysis of the main species in the Leon mountain environment

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