Type of audience: Adultos
Educación y Programas Públicos
Cultura contemporánea
6 to 8 pm
Adults from 15 years old
After last year’s introductory course, during Encerezados 2017 we will take a close look at photographic techniques and theories of the image, with a course aimed at a public initiated in the matter. In this occasion we will talk about connecting threads in the photographic image: trace, concept and meaning; and we will approach the poetics of abstraction and the discourse of limits (The time of the image and the poetics of space). The course will conclude with a session of photographic critique on the participants’ works under the theme “Abstraction of the invisible” or “All flows, nothing remains” (Heraclitus) and with two sessions of practical exercises with studio lighting about composition, light and poetics of the image.
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