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Educación y Programas Públicos
On year 2013, according to the principles of our ethno-educational program, we started a season on ornithology.
This month we have planned a new season which consists in a three days course, both theoretical and practical, taughted by Rafael de Garnica.
The course is free of charge and aimed to last year’s participants and new registrations.
Registration: http://www.fundacioncerezalesantoninoycinia.org/informacion/inscripcion
Theory lessons:
From 18:00 to 20:00
29th May: “Birds nesting”
30th May: “Atlas of nesting birds”
Practical trip
“Learn about your town’s birds”
31st May, from 10.00 to 14:00 (Departure from Cerezales del Condado)
Taughted by Manuel Antonio González doctor in Biology
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