Encerezadas into the lab!

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30 July, 2018 - 2 August, 2018
11 am to 2 pm

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Type of audience:

Age: Ages: 8 - 13

Educación y Programas Públicos

Encerezadas into the lab!

30 July, 2018 - 2 August, 2018

11 am to 2 pm

Can you imagine what DNA looks like? Do you know the symbiosis and why is it so important for diversity? Do you know how the body defends pathogens? Do you know how cells are arranged within the body to give rise to all the diversity of organisms on the planet? Do you have any idea how environmental awareness was put into effect?
In this workshop we will ask great female scientists in history about these questions and they will guide us along the path they followed to try to answer them with fun experiments and games in our laboratory.

Run by Celia Santos Tapia and Elena Velado Alonso
Celia Santos Tapia
Graduated in Biology and master’s degree in Cellular Biology and Genetics (UAM). She pursues a PhD at the IRB where she models tumor processes using the wing of the fly Drosophila Melanogaster. She has participated in several science outreach programs such as Crazy about biomedicine at the IRB, Research en Societat del Parque Científico or the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge at the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera. In 2017, she founded, together with two colleagues, the group “Noies al lab!”, which aims to promote the scientific and technological vocations of girls and make visible female referents in science.

Elena Velado Alonso
She has a degree in Veterinary Science (ULE), has done master studies in Agroecology, and participated in research projects linked to rural development. Now she is pursuing a PhD in Ecology, Restoration and Conservation of Ecosystems (Univ. de Alcalá) thanks to a grant from the Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno Foundation. The project she develops focuses on livestock and biodiversity. She has participated in environmental education and agroecology activities as a volunteer in the Andalusian delegation of VSF-Global Food Justice.

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