Sign and mark

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24 October, 2019 - 31 October, 2019

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Type of audience: All audiences


Educación y Programas Públicos


Sign and mark

24 October, 2019 - 31 October, 2019

Sound and graphic creation workshop with Luis Martínez Campo

October 24, 30 & 31, 4.30pm to 6.30 pm

For all audicences from 8 years old

Music is not a language. Every musical piece is like a complex rock, formed by ridges and designs engraved within and without, that can be interpreted in a thousand different ways without a single one being the best or the most true.
Iannis Xenakis

How are sounds written? Can any sound be graphically represented? The sign is the basic element in any writing. Signs can be letters, numbers, colours, shapes,… Based on those works in the exhibition “Mesuras” that reflect on sound and music, we will look into different types of graphical symbols: from common musical notation to non-conventional graphic scores. We are going to play Clara Montoya’s, Llorenç Barber’s and John Cage’s works without necessary having any musical knowledge. Then, we are creating a sound piece and our notation system using the area sounds.

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