Water, Boulder and Landscape

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1 September, 2018
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Type of audience: Adultos



Educación y Programas Públicos

Water, Boulder and Landscape

1 September, 2018

Saturday, 1st September

All day


As part of FCAYC’s GEA 2018 series, during Encerezados a field trip will be developed with prior registration, through the Curueño river valley, where we will visit several Geological Sites of Interest that, in their origin and evolution, have a close relationship with water and show that the Earth is a living planet.

Water plays a key role in a wide range of geological processes, active both in the past and in the present. And, despite the fact that water constitutes a minimum percentage of the total mass of the planet, it rises, in any of its forms, as a fundamental instrument in the formation of various types of rocks, as a basic constituent of others and as a modeling agent of the landscapes we see today.

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