Company Mamulengo Alegria by Josias Wanzeller da Silva.
During my childhood and teens I was always close to plastic arts. The idea of Mamulengo Alegria and the interest for the magic world of Mamulengo were born when I was a student of ‘Introduction to Theatre and Puppets’ by professor Chico Simões in Brazilian School of Theatre Dulcina de Morais.
From the very first moment seven years ago, I have tried to study in depth the search for knowledge related to this form of theatre, and I have also tried to keep in touch with Chico Simões, my teacher of Mamulengo.
The work of Mamulengo Alegria is based on the research of works by masters of Mamulengo such as Zé Divino Maestro, Sauber, Lopes Joe, Chico Daniel, Galego and Calungueiro Gilberto, who have influenced the professional career of Mamulengo Alegria to this date.
Since 2004 we have travelled around several provinces of Brazil to perform in fairs, biennials and national and international puppet festivals.
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