FCAYC fits its activities into series with different temporalities according to a way of working that gives continuity and progressivity to all its proposals.Each exhibition, didactic activity, trip or presentation is part of one of the series that FCAYC strives to maintain as a coherent method to be faithful to its founding principles.
Active series
Perspective on Culture and Nature
Cycle of sound interventions in space
Theory sessions and field trips for the study of mushrooms and fungi in the region
Inhabit in the geology of our region
Early Bird Mondays
Watching, recognising, photographing and respecting local bird species
Spring Sounds. Music in Easter
In spring, coinciding with Easter, we enjoy music with our neighbors
Ecology to the rim of the atmosphere
FCAYC’s summer agenda
Sound and Performing Arts festival
Summer Workshops
Workshops that take place during Encerezados, FCAYC's summer program
Open Sky
Enjoying stars
Winter Sounds. Music in Christmas
We invest for the dissemination of music as a means of raising awareness of art and culture
Territorio Archivo
Reading a territory through household images
Past series
Puppets and Objects Theatre Festival organized by FCAYC during Encerezados program. With the collaboration of Yheppa Títeres
Viertical 875 - JazzFestival
FCAYC's JazzFestival, currently known as Vertical 875.
Cultural activities for the summer time
Itinerant workshop agenda
Sendas nos muestra que existen proyectos reales e innovadores que se desarrollan en el mundo rural y que se plantean como modos de vida alternativos.
Summer Triangle
Outdoors Summer Programm
Sixth Extinction – Atlas about absent biodiversity
Archive-workshop on species extinction
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