
Secuencias-1y2-fundacion cerezales – FCAYC – web


SEQUENCE: A succession of things that are related to each other. Independent compositions that arise from experimentation based on existing pieces. Set of operations ordered in such a way that each one is determined by the previous ones. Each of the parts is reproduced by a sequencer.


In 2020, the Foundation launched a new programming cycle in its line of research on Sound: Sequences are sound interventions in space, in which FCAYC will invite different musicians and sound artists to create site-specific compositions that sound in specific places and interact with spatial elements. The artists will investigate, with their own tools, how to sound in _and with_ a given space.


Each intervention will be a sequence and will propose a dialogue between an artist and a place. In this way, the sequences will be numbered, determined by the previous ones.








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Inscripciónhasta el 26 Abril

Plazas agotadas

Inscripción Lista de espera

Next Sequence:

Sequence VI