Exhibition room opening hours
Tuesday to Sunday.
12 to 2 and 4 to 7pm
Monday closed.
Getting to FCAYC
Car (From León)
Option A
Take L-20 heading Valladolid.
Keep left to continue on L-30
Take the A60 toward Valladolid
Take exit 123 toward Boñar
Continue on CL 624 until divert to Cerezales del Condado.
Option B:
Leave León taking N-621
Continue to intersection with LE – V – 3141 and continue heading Boñar.
Take divert to Cerezales del Condado.
Estimated schedules. You might want to phone Yugueros: +34 987 218 087
Getting to Cerezales:
León, bus station - Intersection at Ambasaguas
Monday to Friday, except bank holidays:
Getting to León:
Intersection at Ambasaguas-León, bus station
Monday to Friday, except bank holidays:
11am* (Departure: Cerezales main square)
Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia
- c/ Antonino Fernández, 76 24150 Cerezales del Condado, León
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