
21 August, 2015

Company: Títeres de la Tía Elena (Zaragoza, Spain): “A Gift from the River”

Script: Adolfo AyusoDirection: Ignacio FortúnPuppeteers: Helena Millán and Paolo Valenti (Live music) “A Gift from the River” is the story […]
14 August, 2015

Company: Noisy Oyster (UK): “Plain Bob”

Plain bob is an innocent and gentle show with no words, performed with mime, music, and sound effects. As the […]
7 August, 2015

Company: Beto Hinça Teatro de Marionetas (Brasil): “Musical Magic”

“Musical Magic” is a show in which a skilled puppeteer shares the stage with lively puppets with a great talent […]
2 August, 2015

Candela Theatre: “Two Tales about Love, Quarrels and Jealousy”

Foundation’s permanent theatre group, Candela, directed by Mercedes Saiz Martínez, presents the play: Two Tales about Love, Quarrels and Jealousy. […]